Recognise a tantrum from a meltdown before you intervene
Need to know: Helping your child through a meltdown The terms tantrums and meltdowns are used interchangeably by many parents. This single view of behaviour […]
Need to know: Helping your child through a meltdown The terms tantrums and meltdowns are used interchangeably by many parents. This single view of behaviour […]
Need to know: Emotion dysregulation at school Getting a phone call from your child’s school informing you that your child has hurt someone or has […]
Need to know: Getting kids ready for school in the morning The struggle to get kids ready in the morning is common in many households, […]
Need to know: Uncovering your triggers There are certain behaviours, words, sounds, or situations that can trigger a negative feeling or a trauma from the […]
Need to know: The pros and cons of homeschooling There are some children who will be unable to enter or stay in mainstream schools because […]
School refusal can be due to a combination of factors all of which culminate in overwhelming anxiety for your child.
Need to know: Understanding fight-flight-freeze in children The fight-flight-freeze response is a survival mechanism that served humans well in the hunter-and-gatherer times. Our “reptilian” brain […]
Need to know: Collaborate with your child to address challenging behaviour If you are raising a child who is oppositional, defiant, disruptive, or aggressive, you’ve […]
Need to know: Sensory processing can present in challenging behaviour Sensory processing relates to how a person organises the information they receive from their own […]